Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
(In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful)
Hasbunallaahu Wa Ne"mal Wakeel, Ne"mal Mawla Wa Ne"mannaseer.
(For us Allah sufficeth and He is the best Disposer of affairs, the best to protect and the best to help
T. K. Group is committed to the people of Bangladesh. Our enterprises play a positive role in alleviating poverty and generating employment which is an important objective of our country. The faith of our customers and our commitment to the country is reflected by a large number of Strategic Business Units (SBUs) today that make up T. K. Group of Industries as one of the most diversified and one of the largest conglomerates of the country.
Over a Decade Bangladesh has created nice opportunity in the field of shipbuilding industry. Almost half of the world shows their interest to place order for ocean going vessels and other marine vessels. This high demand of Ship Building business in Bangladesh make us interested to build ships at International standard. As a new shipbuilding Industry T.K. Shipyard prove the capabilities having international orders at hand.
We look forward to have this journey keeping hand to hand with our customers, our employees and stake holders to ensure a better future for the Group and Bangladesh.